PxTone Web
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last modified mar 14 2024.

another four minutes of musick that you can experience. i cannot guarantee that it will be a good experience, or a bad experience, but i am certain that it will be an experience, or your money back.

i still do not know how quartertones work, at a deep level anyway. this is slightly less quartertone-heavy than scrimbly2, but it still has its moments, like modulating to those half-sharp keys or whatever they are. i don't tend to care about note names whenever i px my tone, especially when looking at half sharps or whatever.

unlike the previous scrimblies, this one isn't based on a snippet of music i had on hand somewhere, though it was based on something i kinda had in mind for at least a short while. all that i had as the "seed" this time was the top line on m. 0.

i would like to make a couple more of these scrimblies, hopefully in the next couple months at least. maybe another three would suffice. i have less to worry about right now, so i could probably hopefully make it work. i have some random snippets sorta lying around, collecting dust, or whatever the hard drive equivalent is, that i can make things out of, some pxtone, some not pxtone, all stuff for me to look at again, at least for a bit. some of the stuff is like 4 or 5 years old (that's older than some entire people!), when i was in the process of learning how a "music" works. actually, i'm still in that process now, but i was rather _earlier_ in the process back then.

i mentioned one scrimbly ago that i should write gradus ad parnassum but it's 500 pages of cat pictures. after careful consideration, i have come to the conclusion that cats are not real, so i cannot find such a thing as a "cat picture", rendering this endeavor impossible. please send me any evidence of cats existing, especially photo or video, if you have any. it would be greatly appreciated.

it is now 1:30 am as i'm typing this. i really should be asleep, but i'm not. this was more important i suppose. though i think i have written enough for now. i shall hopefully return with more of this Tomfoolery, most likely either with another one of these scrimblies, or one of the pxtunes things.

March 14, 2024, 5:47 a.m.
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